TikTok Industry Benchmarks 2024

In the ever-evolving, dynamic social landscape, it's critical to understand where your brand efforts stand compared to industry standards.

This report overviews what's happening in your niche and how content is received per industry to help identify areas for improvement, back decisions with data, refine strategies, and set realistic goals.

What's Inside:

🚀 Industry Benchmarks: See how you stack up against the best.

📊 Performance Evaluation: Guage industry-specific engagement matrix

🔍 Trend Spotting: Uncover which industries that are stealing the show

🎯 Actionable Insights: Turn industry data into impactful strategies

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The cross-industry benchmark report is based on data collected and analyzed during the 2023 calendar year to help you make sustainable, relevant social strategies in 2024.

It spans over 10K+ verified TikTok accounts, 21 distinct industry types, a million videos, and a trillion interactions on TikTok.

So, are you curious to know how the TikTok landscape will shape your industry this year? Dive into our report for social benchmarks from TikTok 🚀

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