TikTok Hashtags

Hashtag Analytics

Hashtags are powerful social insights waiting to be harnessed. Deep dive into hashtags to uncover relevant discussions and trends in real time.

Millions of Hashtags

Access the largest data-base of TikTok hashtag analytics and social Intelligence insights to learn from social the right way.

Video Overview

Search videos coupled with relevant hashtags for a holistic performance overview and usage demographics.

Easy Exports

Capture essential hashtag metrics in downloadable CSV files or integrate with Airtable or Google Sheets for fast exports

Drive engagement the right way

Hashtags enable you to identify topics that capture the audience's attention. Embrace hashtag research as part of your market research arsenal to better understand the audience's perspectives.

Related Hashtags

Get additional hashtag insights with Exolyt - Find related hashtags, its performance metrics, overlap rate and choose topics that fit your needs.

Audience Insights

Explore videos with branded or relevant hashtags, find who posted them, their demographics and reach.

Power Video Search

Filter your video research by coupling it with relevant hashtags and other attributes that suit your needs.

Historical Growth

Observe the growth of hashtags over time or select a specific timeframe to understand their current relevance.

Real-time Metrics

Get real-time hashtag analytics with metrics like videos, total views, engagement rates, etc, to strategize your content marketing accordingly.

Today's hot hashtags

See today's hottest hashtags in TikTok for your industry.


Historical growth

Find out how any hashtag has been growing in the past to evaluate what are the upcoming trends.


Find who posts videos using a hashtag, what is the audience, and where they are located in.

Related Hashtags

Use the hashtag network to find related hashtags along with performance metrics, and choose the ones that fit your story.

Video Database

Search videos based on the hashtags they use. Drill down to the data with powerful filtering options.

Understand TikTok like never before

Exolyt helps you by delivering insights on UGC videos. Schedule a demo to discover the platform's capabilities, or get started with a free trial for an immersive firsthand experience.