TikTok Analytics & Social Intelligence

For Creators

Utilize the power of TikTok insights to learn, explore, and get inspired to create content that enables you to stand out and get noticed in the social chaos of repetitive content.

McCann ParisRightMetricSocial ChainHype CollectiveIntiMD

Understand your followers better

Deep dive into follower analytics, growth per video, audience sentiments or comments to understand what resonates with your viewers.

Explore content opportunities

Using TikTok for consumer, market, and competitive research opens up market gaps and content opportunities, offering inspiration for creation.

Monitor your online presence

Monitor your brand share of voice, performance stats, industry standing, and competitive landscape all at once.

Track & benchmark competitors

Get an overview of multiple other influencer accounts and competitors updated daily, or track Exo Score to benchmark your performance.

Boost your performance with resonating content

Tap into the pulse of TikTok, and find inspiration from brands and subjects that align with your audience's interests and power content with data-driven strategies.

Account Overview

Content Matrix

Brand Comparison

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Account Overview

Track any TikTok account

Get a 360 TikTok account overview! Look into the detailed social performance stats on macro and micro levels and get insights for better data-driven decisions.

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Content Matrix

Reveal engagement potential

Explore niche hashtags that are trending or close to saturation to get inspired for crafting content on topics that not only captivate but also resonate.

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Brand Comparison

Analyze your competition

Access competitive insights to compare your performance against the different brands and industries and identify opportunities to differentiate and scale.

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Stand out amidst the digital chatter