TikTok Industry Monitoring

Industry Insights

Analyze the social landscape with geo-specific industry insights and trends that help to advance your research with deeper insights that support refining business strategies.

Unmatched scale

Access insights from the largest database of TikTok analytics on brands, industries, and market niches.

Niche Topics

Find out the most relevant topics in your industry niche and explore related content, conversations, and trends around it.

Content Matrix

Find out which topics allow you to stand out within your industry per its current or past engagement scores.

Validate your Market Position

Utilize industry benchmarks to gain a competitive edge - discover new areas to outperform, identify untapped opportunities, know how your business performs against others, adjust your KPIs, and refine strategies.

Real-time Trends

Capture the most trending industry-relevant topics that are either majorly popular or more prominent among some niche audiences.

Industry Accounts

Discover the collection of the largest accounts in your industry from TikTok, all segmented by brands, influencers, and celebrities

Video Stats

Find the most viral videos from your industry all in one place to categorically choose from and stay on top of niche trends.

Gainers and Losers

Filter trends based on up-trending and down-trending topics to optimize your content, product development and marketing strategies

Extensive Insights

Explore any industry from multiple options and get an overview of trending and high-engaging topics in TikTok within the chosen industry.

Understand TikTok like never before

Exolyt helps you by delivering insights on UGC videos. Schedule a demo to discover the platform's capabilities, or get started with a free trial for an immersive firsthand experience.